Tradewinds Légendes
- Over 100 tasks to choose from.
- Play as 1 of 4 characters, or build your own.
- 10 beautiful ports to visit.
- Get carried away inTradewinds Caravans
- OS : 10.4, 10.5 (recommended)
- CPU : 1.83GHz
- Memory : 512
Évaluation du jeu : Tradewinds Légendes
Laissez-vous emporter dans ce dernier épisode de la célèbre Tradewinds™ de la Série. De la voile, du commerce et de combat avec des héros légendaires tels que Sinbad dans l'Extrême-Orient mythique. Entrez dans un monde de danger et d'intrigues à mesure que vous effectuez plus de 100 tâches uniques. Construire une flottille de navires armés avec des armes, à la fois l'homme et de la magie. Naviguez dans le ciel pour découvrir de nouveaux ports et de s'engager dans un combat aérien avec d'autres navires magiques célestes. Rencontrer un monde de légende, de jouer aujourd'hui!
A vous la satisfaction de résoudre des casse-tête hallucinants et des puzzles ahurissants.
1158 Des Points
(vues: 1430)

Âges: 3 ANNÉES ET PLUSDescription du jeu :
Rencontrer un monde de légende, de jouer aujourd'hui!
AFERON - BigFishGames
Character was pretty sassy. That plus the great economy-driven casual (not a "Dash" or a "Rush" type of game) made this a winner for me.
Tradwinds Legends is the absolute best of the tradewinds or tradwinds 'like' games I've played. I've now played the game using every available character plus two of my own creation. Yes, one of many plus factors is that once you've won the game, you can create your own hero/heroine. You also have the option to just trade, and not follow the story line. The dialog between your hero and the other characters they meet is delightful. The battles are easy to set up and understand. The graphics couldn't be better. This is the game I will compare every 'tradewinds' like game with in the future.It is definately one of my stand-bys.
This game is incredible, it's a bit like Chocolatier, which is an odd comparison, considering it has nothing to do with chocolate, but in story mode you travel doing different quests, although you can do your own thing, BUT you have to have battles with pirates and things. The dialogue in this is incredible, so much thought was put in, and the main character is sassy and a couple of times I laughed out loud at what was being said. This is a great game, all who like strategy or time management or any game should be sure to consider this!
really challenging and strategic, a whole new level of marketing & planning. I wish they would have a third installment to tradewinds.
Love this game. I've played all the Tradwinds games, and this one tops them all. Great graphics, storyline, and tons of humor. Every character has a different storyline with different quests to accomplish. I've played all the characters and created some of my own as well. It's a game I keep coming back to. Just play the free demo... I don't buy a lot of games because of low replay value, but the replay value on this one is worth the price. One of my better purchases.