Cake Mania 2
- 18 all-new customers.
- 10 different cake styles.
- 8 wild cake toppers.
- Try the tasty new sequel: Cake Mania 3
- OS : 10.4, 10.5 (recommended)
- CPU : 1.83GHz
- Memory : 512
Évaluation du jeu : Cake Mania 2
Après la réouverture de la Boulangerie Evans, et l'envoi de ses grands-parents sur une croisière exotique d'hawaï, Jill est de retour dans un tout nouveau hors-de-ce-monde de l'aventure! Explorer les boulangeries dans des endroits éloignés; de servir des mets originaux et délicieux créations excentriques clients, allant des Agents Fédéraux à de mystérieux Étrangers, et de choisir le chemin Jill va prendre dans Cake Mania 2!
Testez votre rapidité et votre habileté avec des niveaux pleins d'action et de défis.
825 Des Points
(vues: 1399)

Âges: 3 ANNÉES ET PLUSDescription du jeu :
Jill est de retour dans un tout nouveau hors-de-ce-monde de l'aventure. Dans Cake Mania 2, à vous de choisir quel chemin Jill va prendre!
AFERON - BigFishGames
They are all fun, but sequels tend to get progressively more fun a they add new features to them, which is why this one doesn't have all 5 stars, because the others get better ^_^. The graphics are cute, simple, but better than most TMGs tend to be. And also like most TMGs, it's a bit short. It's quirky, comical and amusing to boot.
Fun game to play when I have the time to play.
Cake mania and burger island is the best ever !
It similar to the fist game, however, you go to different locations. I believe this one you go to outer space and open a bakery. Some wierd characters. If you like to hurry this is a fun game.
Love all the Cake Mania games. They are so much fun and you can play them over and over.
I love this game. Hey Big Fish how about making another Cake Mania. It has been a while since you did one. I know you are working on games for the Ipad but not everyone has an Ipad.