Alice Greenfingers 2
- Earn trophies and badges
- Different, fun game modes
- Flex your green thumb!
- For more flower fun, play Alice Greenfingers
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- OS : 10.4, 10.5 (recommended)
- CPU : 1.83GHz
- Memory : 512
Évaluation du jeu : Alice Greenfingers 2
Rejoignez Alice comme elle applique son pouce vert pour son paresseux Oncle Berry en difficulté ferme en cette dernière Greenfinger du jeu de Gestion du Temps! Oncle Berry, mis en place avec un raide en arrière, de sorte qu'il est doux d'Alice pour restaurer son atonie de la ferme à la gloire! Grandir fantastique de la flore et de remplir la ferme avec des animaux. Gagner de l'argent de la vente des récoltes, la cueillette des fruits, ou de la mise aux enchères de bétail et les produits laitiers. Flex votre pouce vert avec Alice Greenfingers 2!
Testez votre rapidité et votre habileté avec des niveaux pleins d'action et de défis.
4729 Des Points
(vues: 168)

Âges: 3 ANNÉES ET PLUSDescription du jeu :
Rejoignez Alice comme elle applique son pouce vert pour son paresseux Oncle Berry en difficulté ferme en cette dernière Greenfinger du jeu de Gestion du Temps!
AFERON - BigFishGames
I thought the game was much better than the first, the graphics and sound were great and the gamplay was much improved. I enjoyed playing the game and re-play frequently.
The visual qualities are better than the previous game. The upgrades are useful, but would be better if you can get more than one. You can play as long as you want for day in the game, until you finished the day's goal. It's fun and addicting, and the sprinklers are useful in the game later on. I did like there were more things, like a beehive, fruit trees, and more different plants.
i think its brilliant beacause its my type of game that i like to play
really enjoying this game, i only played for a few hours so far but i love that there is no real penalty for not harvesting right away, and that you can move pretty much anything around on your land so you can customize it all. definitely would recommend.
Even though I'm a clicking fiend, considering myself expert at farming/cafe games, I absolutely love this cutie patootie farming game. You, as Alice, are in control of your destiny! Your old farmer buddy gives you goals for each day, but after you've done a few of them, he lets you go wild on your farm, only giving you an amount of money to bring in each day. The best part of the game is that at the end of each day, you get to decide how to better your farm: Do you choose a new type of crop? A new breed of animal? More money for each sale of your existing crops? (And several more options.) I gathered all of the trophies without running out of upgrades, which impressed me. I loved it, but since it wasn't challenging, I gave it four stars. I think of it as a bubble bath at the end of a long, hard day. I loved it!
I loved this game since I started playing it! You can grow your own fruits and vegetables, buy animals, sell crop and much more!!! And best part is you can't die in this game! So buy it and have fun!
this game is great to play my kids like to play the game to.
Alice Greenfingers 2 is SUPER easy. I wish there was more of a challenge , but it's so fun ... challenge doesn't matter in this case. I think this enhanced version is WAY more fun than the original version. I like how you not only repeat the cycle of planting , but you can also do chores like picking apples and other activities from Alice's uncle.
i looove this game!!! its my sooo fave!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy fun and addicting game- once i start i cant stop looooove it 5 stars all the way
I loved the first one, but number 2 is better by far.